About Us

Our goal is to spread the message of the Holy Qur’an to all mankind (Muslims and non-Muslims) throughout this world. Furthermore, we want to advocate peace and tranquility by making people cognizant of the true message of Islam. We hope and pray that this web portal will serve as a source of guidance and light for all human beings throughout the face of this earth, regardless of race, color, age, nationality, and religion (Aameen).


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Our goal is to spread the message of the Holy Qur’an to all mankind (Muslims and non-Muslims) throughout this world. Furthermore, we want to advocate peace and tranquility by making people cognizant of the true message of Islam. We hope and pray that this web portal will serve as a source of guidance and light for all human beings throughout the face of this earth, regardless of race, color, age, nationality, and religion (Aameen).

Almighty ALLAH accomplish the Holy Qur’an as complete, Almighty ALLAH accumulate the every solution for problems, what so ever it can be. Every answer for every question, what so ever it can be. every medication for any disease, what so ever it can be. Either you are a kid or old either you are young , it does not matter you are male or female because Almighty ALLAH make the Holy Qur’an equal for the whole mankind(UMMAH),
If you are facing any kind of Physical or spiritual problems , the Holy Qur’an gives you the solution , Almighty ALLAH given the Holy Qur’an to the most beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W) by the beloved Angle JIBRAIL (A.S), Holy Prophet (S.A.W)delivered the Holy Qur’an to his Companions (R.A).Holy Prophet (S.A.W)give it as a responsibility to spread the Holy Qur’an to others and they did it , They get broaden themselves out to the whole world in the obedience of the command of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to spread the Holy Qur’an and they conferralthe knowledge what they get from Holy Prophet (S.A.W) to the others, As this is just the blessing of Almighty ALLAH on any one to whom ALLAH desire, no one can get the blessing of the Holy Qur’an without the blessing of Almighty ALLAH.

ALHUMDLILAH, Almighty ALLAH gives the blessing of the Holy Qur’an on this KHADIM AL QURAN ‘Shahzada Fahad Shahi ‘ to serve the Humanity , to serve those who they are facing problems , who they are suffering for what they did not compel with the blessing of their own , sometime from the friends ,Sometime its hurt you on the body in terms of physically, and most of the time it hurts you on your spirit , in terms of spirit you get surrounded yourself by family problems , business/jobs problems , husband and wife problems , parents and kids problems, 
For every problem Almighty ALLAH gives the knowledge to Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and Holy Prophet (S.A.W) gives it to GHULAM (R.A) , and they delivered to others , the Holy Qur’an is the complete solution for every problem , SHAFA Minjanib ALLAH (I dress the wound and God heals it).
I am here to serve your problems, what so ever you are facing, In the light of the Holy Qur’an with help and Rehmat of Almighty ALLAH.